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get involved

opportunities for you to gain skills and share your point of view

Have an impact at asphaleia by joining a forum and/or taking on one of our roles for young people. Learn skills, boost your CV, and gain confidence. 

Group Students Smilling

young people's

Share your views


​Every Friday, from 3pm-4pm at our learning centre, Chloe will be running a young people's forum for any young person in our services. 


You will discuss various topics relating to your time at apshaleia, and also other things to do with your life and experiences that can help us learn and understand young people better. 

be an

Support your peers. Give your opinion. Help us deliver quality services. 



Volunteer as an asphaleia ambassador and you could gain the following employability skills:


  • Communication skills – written and speaking

  • Professionalism

  • Sharing ideas, being creative

  • Showing commitment to a responsibility

  • Punctuality and organisation skills

  • Confidence

our current ambassador roles

Young Student
If you're interested in one of these roles, please speak to a member of staff. 

help us recruit

We need young people to be part of an interviewing panel when we employ new staff to join our team. If you'd like to boost your communication skills and learn more about the workplace, why not put yourself forward. 


If you want to get involved, please speak to your tutor or key worker.

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